stamp hong kong
stamp hong kong

ThisisasurveyofthepostagestampsandpostalhistoryofHongKong.BritishColony,1841-1997,發行日期:2025/03/18.香港郵政以香港地標為主題,發行「二○二五年香港通用郵票」,透過一套十六枚的郵票介紹香港著名地標,展示香港作為國際金融樞紐和中外文化藝術交流 ...,Fo...

Stamp Duty Rates

OnSaleorTransferofImmovablePropertyinHongKong;6monthsorless,15%,20%,20%;Morethan6monthsbutfor12monthsorless,10%,15%,15%;Morethan ...

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Postage stamps and postal history of Hong Kong

This is a survey of the postage stamps and postal history of Hong Kong. British Colony, 1841-1997


發行日期: 2025/03/18. 香港郵政以香港地標為主題,發行「二○二五年香港通用郵票」,透過一套十六枚的郵票介紹香港著名地標,展示香港作為國際金融樞紐和中外文化藝術交流 ...

Profile for 郵票‧ 郵趣

Following the Public Architecture in Hong Kong special stamps issued in 2016, Hongkong Post presents a set of six stamps themed Public Architecture in Hong ...

Stamps from Hong Kong

Buy Stamps at PostBeeld - Stamp shop with entire world in stock, buy, sell, trade, price list, safe and secure payment. Worldwide shipping.

Methods of Stamping

Feature article by the Hong Kong Government on different methods of stamping. Details include e-Stamping and paper application of property documents, ...

Stamp Duty Rates

On Sale or Transfer of Immovable Property in Hong Kong ; 6 months or less, 15%, 20%, 20% ; More than 6 months but for 12 months or less, 10%, 15%, 15% ; More than ...

Hongkong Post Stamps

Hongkong Post Stamps. Philately is not just a hobby or pastime, it contains tremendous knowledge. The interesting and beautiful stamps issued each year range ...

郵票‧ 郵趣@Hongkong Post Stamps (@hkpstamps)

歡迎瀏覽「郵票·郵趣」! · 此專頁由香港郵政郵票策劃及拓展處管理,旨在為市民提供集郵品及集郵文化的相關資訊。 · 留言內容應與主題有關,本署保留權利刪除與主題無關之 ...

Hong Kong - Postage stamps (1862 - 2025) - Page 1

Hong-Kong stamp catalogue. Buy and sell stamps from Hong-Kong. Meet other stamp collectors interested in Hong-Kong stamps.


ThisisasurveyofthepostagestampsandpostalhistoryofHongKong.BritishColony,1841-1997,發行日期:2025/03/18.香港郵政以香港地標為主題,發行「二○二五年香港通用郵票」,透過一套十六枚的郵票介紹香港著名地標,展示香港作為國際金融樞紐和中外文化藝術交流 ...,FollowingthePublicArchitectureinHongKongspecialstampsissuedin2016,HongkongPostpresentsasetofsixstampsthemedPublicArchitectureinHong ...,BuyStampsatPostB...